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(1 edit)

By "dubious consent", are you referring to sex or something else?


Hello! There is no sexual content in the VN, but there are some suggestive scenes involving kissing and bloodsucking, not all of which are fully consensual.

Ah ok! Thank you for the clarification!


The story is awesome and it was fun checking out all the different routes and learning more about the story. The art is gorgeous as well and the music really adds to the experience.


I had lovely time playing Duskbound! I love how Vergilius was quite a mystery in the beginning -- I love exploring the branches to get to see different side of him and get to know him more as I read! I especially loved seeing him blushes. Characters art are super cute and the backgrounds are so beautiful. It's amazing creation! Thank you for making this <33

Ahh, Konayachi, thank you so much for playing and for the kind comments!! I'm glad you liked the game, and Vergilius especially <3

(1 edit) (+2)


It's almost lie they're both yanderes, because it plays the soul mate/ fate bound card so hard.

I actually liked the ending where she bit him to turn herself, but that's short term satisfaction. What's to keep them from literally going insane 100 cycles more? And I was actually a bit sad on the ending where he turned to ash. If it'd been elaborated on more, I might have even teared up. It was giving me "interview with a vampire" flashbacks for sure. The "Let's Fight Fate" haha I wasn't feeling optimistic they'd succeed. But I love the kinda fourth wall breaking meta memory thing. Thanks for making it, I'll put it on my recommend list.

Haha you're so right, they are almost both yandere. I don't really like romance stories where things feel kind of one-sided with a passive MC, so I wanted to make sure the pale one had her own drive as well. They're mutually dysfunctional, it's not just the LI!

Thank you for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it <3


I cried, the story is so beautiful. Thank you so much for this! The art is so impressive too- Im so happy for being able to live for this --


The art style is soooo lovely! The main character is super cute and the colours of the game are beautiful. Incredible seeing the script come to life. The paintings are quite haunting and I love all the little details from the textures of the BG, the red moon and clouds, and the UI. The placement of character sprite was such a great effect for closeups and other parts too

Super impressed by solo devs that do art, writing, and programming like you!

Side note, I did think the sharp teeth would be revealed a bit later (how this girl not notice this dude is a vampire immediately?? XD)
Also thought the pale one became a lady at first, but maybe vampires are just beyond gender ;). I too have a long-haired dude in my VN based on my bf that may have been mistaken for a lady by my bf's friends hahaha

Thank you for playing! Happy to hear you liked the art. It feels super rewarding to do art & writing myself since it feels like the game is really my own project entirely, but maybe next time I'll outsource programming since it's not exactly my forte.

I guess the teeth were a bit obvious hehe, the idea here is that obviously someone wouldn't really expect a vampire at first glance just on sharp teeth since they're not supposed to be real. 

I do admit I like my men feminine... And this game was made to appeal to me in the first place hehe. More long-haired LIs is always a win in my book!


Omg I loved this game so much!!! The story is so perfect!! The art is divine!! 10/10

(1 edit) (+2)

Aaaaa I loved this so much!! This game really does so much with so little- it's a complete story and experience that tugs on the heart in less than 10k words, and I was fully invested from start to finish. The turns the story took, our heroine's determination, the complex emotions both characters have internally and about each other, the visual atmosphere that hits the perfect balance of sanguine and stifling...I'm completely charmed!


Thank you so much for the praise, I'm glad the story felt like a fully-formed, complete experience!


OHHHH NEFF this was so GORGEOUS?! I was expecting it to be good; I was NOT expecting it to be THIS GOOD. 

First of all, the prose is BEAUTIFUL. It is so sweetly sophisticated and poetic, like seeing a beautiful painting transcribed to text. I really loved the visuals as well - the color palette and aesthetic set a very eerie and yet dreamlike mood that perfectly suited the story. I also liked how the text box was darker and more saturated than the other colors to distinguish it, while also contributing to the creepy but sophisticated air. The sprites were SO cute, and although Vergilius' normal sprite was adorable, and I also really liked seeing his...ahem..."rarer" expressions. 

As for the story, WOW. I love how it was simultaneously dreamlike and gritty, dark and yet so sweetly romantic at the same time. The worldbuilding is surreal and ambiguous, yet gives you enough of an idea to know what is happening. I adored Vergilius' contrasts - dark and charismatic, vile and romantic. Although he expresses some WICKED desires, it is also clear that he cares deeply for the MC. But my favorite was the MC - while sometimes she gets swept away by Vergilius, in her moments of determination, I really adored her guts and her proactiveness. Without spoilers, in a couple of the endings, I was rooting for her HARD (despite how toxic or not toxic her decisions might have been)! I won't spoil too much, but I LOVED how the story was resolved and thought it was very appropriate.

A LITTLE BIT OF SPOILERS, but the game also made SUCH interesting use of visual novel mechanics. The time loop aspect was fascinating and very well implemented. I also like how the story varied between giving you one choice to giving you multiple choices - really reflecting how the MC's mindset changes over the course of the game. Lastly, I LOVE how you are only prompted to give your name when the MC finally "comes into her own" and shows her determination in one of the endings. That moment hit me like a punch to the gut! Each of these mechanics really contributed to the storytelling in unique and thoughtful ways!

Overall, I really enjoyed this! Such a great take on dark romance and the yandere trope! The aesthetic was IMPECCABLE, and it was splendidly written. FANTASTIC job!


Thank you for taking the time to write such a well thought out comment, Chattercap! I'm really glad you ended up liking it.

I really wanted the game to be deeply romantic but also clearly dark and messed up, which I thought might be hard to balance, but I'm glad it landed! You really picked up on a few of the points I wanted to emphasise and that's the best thing to hear as a writer <3


 I liked the illustrations of the character sprites, so I played. I enjoyed it very much because I like vampire stories!

I tried many rounds of choices and gradually understood his suffering, which made me very sad. I love him...

In the true ending, I was moved by the scene where the remembered Pale One makes a certain decision with him! I was glad to see him face his difficulties together and not alone anymore.

Thank you so much for the praise, I'm very glad you liked the love interest!

I tried to make the story resonate with people emotionally so I'm glad that succeeded ^_^


Thank you for a lovely story! The writing was wonderful and I enjoyed the last ending so much. The art was so cute too. :)


This is so cute I love yandere, I wish there's a walkthrough. Thanks for sharing this amazing 😄😊


I LOVE the LI and the writing was so good!

The writing was super beautiful, and I will admit it took me a while to get all the different endings - but the final scene was worth it! I loved learning about their history, and on each play it got better and better! <3


Thank you <3 I guess it's time to put up a little walkthrough for the game, it'd be a shame if someone stopped before getting to the conclusion because they got frustrated.


The writing in this was genuinely beautiful, and the art was very cute too.


This was so lovely!! Thank you for making & sharing this project. I'm a big sucker for playing around (in universe) with the concept of restarting a game and the way it was done here was wonderful! And the final secret ending was a great treat as well. The art was so lovely and I really enjoyed the writing of the LI's feelings regarding his situation and the MC herself. Looking forward to any future projects you may make!! :) <3

Thank you so much!!! I also love it when VNs do that so I took it as one of the starting points for my concept and I'm glad there's others who can appreciate it hehe


Short and sweet little VN. It really does draw you in from the get go. I like that there is an unexpected twist and it is not what it seemed to be in the beginning. It is well written and worth a read. I enjoyed it.


This was such a cool story!! The writing is so poetic and beautiful, the whole victorian vibe is lovely and the art is simply GORGEOUS!! 

The mystery of the loop got me super invested (I'm a sucker for time loops xD) and I don't think I've ever seen one with a vampire! I love the duality of how he (not saying the name to avoid spoilers) both loves and yet also resents the MC at times, it's something that would be inevitable being in his situation and it was shown really well!! The detail of not mentioning either of their names until much later, when you start discovering the mysteries little by little, was very unique and creative, I don't think I've seen many stories with that and it was really cool and refreshing to see!

And the fact that this is your first VN, omg!! I can only be amazed, it's a wonderful achievement and everything looks so polished and nice!! Will be looking forward to more of your work, awesome job!! <3


Thank you so much for checking out my game and for the high praise, Pri! I'm glad the theming around the names came across well. 

I'm excited to start working on new projects and even more excited to know there will be people looking forward to them <3


Cute art. Managed to get a decent end in the first go and then went back to all the dead ends ^^' until I got the loop....and I'm missing one CG but it just loops now OTL.

Characters stuck in tragic loops do pull at my heartstrings. 

Amazing job on your Jam entry!


Really glad you liked it! I've fixed the build so now the CGs properly unlock and you can go back to the earlier content after the final ending. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey! I played your entry!

First thing first, I have to mention the writing! It felt very... victorian, but in a way we don't see much of today. For instance, even in the true ending, I didn't find the romance "healthy" but... that wasn't the point of the game?? It just felt desperately romantic, like the type of romance we see in books which are centuries-old and I liked that! Also, I really appreciate the poetic writing style. The way the story tried to make the "starting a new route" over make sense was very pleasing too. Just a note: it's impossible (as far as I know at least) to reach the other endings once the "true" route is unlocked. Hopefully for me, I had saved before obtaining the true ending, but perhaps it's a thing to consider?

The art was great: I loved both the CG and the sprite work, and GOODNESS, the backgrounds were very good! The colour palette was overall very pleasing and, even so, I really appreciated the textbox that accompanied it, it was fitting!

This was a very good first VN (and even if it weren't the first, it would have still been very good, haha), and you can be proud of it! I had a lot of fun trying to reach all the endings!

EDIT: Oh, a little bug, the variation of the kissing CG (with blood) doesn't appear in the gallery!


Thank you for giving Duskbound a try! I'm really happy you liked the writing and art ^_^ I definitely tried to go for a victorian/gothic feel to the story so I'm glad it landed!

And thanks for letting me know about the issues! I've updated the game to unlock the CG variation properly and I've added a choice if you restart after reaching the final ending for whether you'd like to see it again or return to the earlier loop.


What an atmospheric VN! The art style is really cute, and the dark brown + red colour palette used throughout makes the whole thing look very consistent.

The CGs were gorgeous, and it was nice it had so many different choices/endings to explore. My fav ending has to be the one where the MC can be a bit bitey herself, it was a pleasant surprise given she seems so meek and mild haha ;;

If I had to criticise anything, it would be that the font strained my eyes a bit. Having the text in your VN be wholly in italics can be a bit wearying to read.

Other than that, I enjoyed this a lot. Thank you for creating it!


Ebi, thank you so much for playing and leaving such a kind comment T u T 

I definitely started development with an aesthetic/colour scheme at the center and I'm happy it worked out into a cohesive feel! And I'm glad you liked ending 5, It was one I definitely wanted to include to show the MC's determined side.

I'll keep your comment about the font in mind, it probably would be about as stylistically fitting if it wasn't italics so that's a good thing to consider for next time.


I adore the art style, both look so adorable and the environment as well


Thank you so much! It was my first time drawing a lot of environments but it was surprisingly fun and I'm glad they turned out well

Welcome giving credit where credit is due. You deserve it ♥️. Looking forward to more from you. It really show's how inspired you were.

I used to think only vampire girls were cute until I played Duskbound and realized vampire boys could be cute too.


i fell in love with him, this was an amazing game! i loved it lots! i was obsessed w/ getting all endings and i DID IT!!! i loved the unlockable one, was so chef kiss- i love the themes! great job! <3 i just sobbing all over the floor- cant wait to dream about this vampire !!!

Thank you so much T _ T 

I'm glad to hear others care him as much as I do ahaha


The story is beautiful, and I can't help but be mesmerized by the amazing writing. I really love the art, too. It fits the setting and the atmosphere of the story. Overall, a very good job for your very first VN. Keep up the good work! 💕

Thank you so much, that makes me really happy to hear!


Hiya! Currently reading this right now and it seems great so far, couldn't stop smiling and hitting the wall over this XD. And I heard this is your first VN, so Congrats and keep working hard, maybe you could be a professional VN writer! But for now I'm going to keep reading and update you with my thoughts later :)!

Thank you! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it so far


This looks beautiful! And I absolutely love yandere vampires! I think I'll give it a shot and write my thoughts later! 


Congrats on making your first VN! Just finished playing. It was quite enjoyable.

Thank you!


Oh, i like how the art is. I haven't play it uet but I'll be back after!

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